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2 стр.

Sometimes ambition is a falce friend

To define the limits of the concept of being ambitious is a hard task. One finds oneself vacillating dramatically between that admirable innate drive to surpass the limits of our personal achievements...
3 стр.

Halloween or Saint's day

Halloween... It commemorated itself in the night between 31 October and 1 november. To bulgarian the holiday is known still even as all saints...
3 стр.

Lord of the Flies, The importance of the conch, the fire and the pig's head

The novel is an allegory of mankind’s nature – aggression, instinct for self-preservation, leadership. All these characteristics are apparently show in their development process through the young boys and their actions...
1 стр.

Stop and Look

This is our life... with tension and hurry. We hurry up like we compete with the time. We are wrapped in our problems and we can not realize that some friend maybe is in trouble and need our help...
1 стр.

Studying abroad

There are a lot of reasons for students to study and live abroad. For example, education in other countries may be better and after graduating it is easier to find well-paid job...
1 стр.

Religion in Britain

A lecture about the religion in Britain, how it began, how it evolved...
1 стр.

What is the secret of effective time management?

Organizing our time is one of the most complicated goals we can set ourselves...
1 стр.

The function of myths in the culture of a people

Функцията на митовете за културата на един народ. Есето е подходящо както за ученици така и за студенти...
1 стр.

Is it good to own a car these days?

Toefl essay, agree or disagree...
1 стр.

People succeed due to hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.

Todays world is a competetive world. Everyone here wants to be famous and want success in his life. Whether he may be successful boxer, sportman, actor or writer his present positin is only due to hard work....