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151-160 от 510
1 стр.

Everybody is an architect of his own destiny

Every single day, man builds it's own destiny and own character by what he thinks, does, says and/or feels...
8 стр.

Terry Pratchett

With his short story The Hades Business published in the school magazine when he was thirteen, and commercially when he was fifteen, Terry was obviously in line for a bright future.........
1 стр.

Computer - Friend of Foe

Есе за ученици и кандидат-студенти на тема - Компютърът приятел или не...
2 стр.

Global warming

Есе, изготвено на английски език, подходящо за ученици и студенти, които са в по-напреднал етап от изучаването на английски език...
2 стр.

Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country

Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country Development of a country – positively or negatively Essay What is education? What are the factors for the development of a country? Below you can find answers to all these qu...
21 стр.


William II, Rufus (1087-1100)* Despite the cohesion and order brought to England by the Duke of Normandy, the new administrative system outlived him by less than fifty years...
2 стр.


Once upon a time, there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit...
3 стр.


The years sped past. In the castle grounds, the trees grew tall...
8 стр.


Origin and development of the personal pronouns of modern english...
1 стр.

Легенда за Орфей и Евридика за на английски език

In Thrace a son of the river god OEAGRUS and the muse CALLIOPE was born, who they called ORPHEUS...