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161-170 от 516
2 стр.

Destiny - Does it exist?

We do not have the possibility to escape being responsible for ourselves. Sad, but true...
9 стр.

test po AE za zavarshvane na 8 klas

test po AE za zavarshvane na 8 klas probvah go mn e truden ama opitaytese vse pak...
2 стр.

The Love

Love is univesal feeling that is impossible for all of us.Many words are said for love but they aren`t enought because there always have sometning that is not mentiont...
2 стр.

Man is born free but everywhere is in chains

An essay on philosophical topics. Reflections over the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau "Man is born free but everywhere is in chains"....
1 стр.

Explorers of Yesterday and Today

Есе на тема Explorers of Yesterday and Today. За кандидатстващите с английски език е перфектно!...
2 стр.

Индия, Китай и Япония през 19 век

According to their beliefs China was the only one civilization in the world and its emperor was the only one representative of the God on the earth...
1 стр.

Censorship on Books

Censorship - the suppression of the material that is considered harmful and unacceptable by certain groups or organizations. These organizations can be government, mass media, religious groups, and corporations...
1 стр.

Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources such as forests, animals or clean water.

Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources such as forests, animals or clean water. Choose one reason that is disappearing and explain why it is needed be saved. Nature plays an essential role in our lives. Animals, plants, water, l...
1 стр.

Things and people are not always what they seem

Today’s world is full of different people. Some of them are outgoing, others – unsociable. But no matter what kind of person you are, it’s important for you to look well...
1 стр.

Why Bulgaria is the most wonderful tourist spot for my holiday?

Bulgaria is not very famous tourist spot in Europe as a whole. In my opinion it should be a more popular one...