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361-370 от 516
2 стр.

Benefits of having a pey

A speech on the topic: Benefits of owning a pet. Pets can help to reduce stress, relieve loneliness and depression, prevent heart diseases and much more.
1 стр.

All the World’s a Stage

"All the World’s a Stage and all the men and women merely players", William Shakespeare… Do you agree / disagree with him?
3 стр.

Futurе Aspect Revision

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form using will or going to. A: Why are you turning on the television? B: I………. (watch) the news.
1 стр.

My dream shool

Есе за това как си представям училището на мойте мечти!
1 стр.

East or west home is best

East or west home is best. My home is not only the city where I live, but my home is my country, because here is my family and all my friends.
2 стр.

“The qualities of a great man are vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character” – Dwight Eisenhower

It’s difficult to define a person who is “great”. Is it great to achieve success in life, to have fortune and fame, to be able to satisfy even your most eccentric wants? Virtues and morals have washed away and now, in the 21st century, people feel...
2 стр.

What are the consequences if Nato expands further to the east?

Статията дава анализ на сегашното политическо положение в Европа и дава аргументи "за" и "против" допълнително разширяване на НАТО.
4 стр.

Cultural Differences

College students and professors in Europe dress like they are on a fashion show. Everyone tries to look good, wear the latest clothing and many college students are just trying to show off. In the United States some college students and professors...
1 стр.

Smoking should be banned from public places

One of the most controversial and debated issues recently has been the possible ban on smoking in public places. There is a heated discussion on this topic which involves all of us, no matter whether we are smokers or non-smokers...
1 стр.

Dinner and its features in 18 century England

Това е есе по английска литература, оценено с 6. Отнася се за живота и обноските в Англия през 18 век.