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381-390 от 516
1 стр.

The origin of life

What is life? It is something complicate and everything passes through it.
12 стр.

Прилагателни имена в английския език

Прилагателните имена в английския език се степенуват по два начина: а) чрез прибавяне на наставката -ег за сравнителна степен и -est за превъзходна степен; б) чрез наречието more за сравнителна степен и most за превъзходна степен, или less ...
4 стр.

Неопределителни местоимения

Each всеки (един) (поотделно) се употребява и самостоятелно, и със съществително име...
1 стр.

Препоръчително писмо на английски език

Гарантирам за качеството на текста. Аз получих отлична оценка в ЕГ "Пловдив".
2 стр.

Тест по английски език

1 I want to pay credit card but they accept only....... A-change B-cash C-wages 2 He is a good friend and he never.....to send me a birthday card each year. A-fails B-misses C-stops 3 I've found the dishwasher so useful that I don't think I could ..
1 стр.

The technological innovations influence on people’s behavior

Today the influence on people’s behavior is worst than it used to be.People prefer to stay at home and watch television than to read books or go for a walk in open air...
1 стр.

The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend

In our world of countless problems and endless stress the need for friends and people to talk and share with is almost as big as our need to survive and struggle with life everyday...
6 стр.

How to write an essay

There are two main types of essays: -one-sided essay (if you are asked to list suggestions, problems, solutions to problems; if you choose to discuss an issue only from your point of view, without mentioning the opposite point of view)...
17 стр.

Тест по английски с отоговори (условията са на руски)

Чтобы правильно тест 4, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику: 1. Сложные формы инфинитива (Passive Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive). Обороты, равнозначные придаточным предложениям...
3 стр.

"Paradise Lost" - John Milton

John Milton was born in London. His mother Sarah Jeffrey, a very religious person, was the daughter of a merchant sailor. His father, also named John, had risen to prosperity as a scrivener or law writer - he also composed music.